
Top Tips of Writing An SEO-Friendly Blog

Contrary to widespread belief, coming up with an interesting blog is not an easy task. When readers across various periphery are going to assemble together to gain insights on various topics by going through your post, you need to keep it informative and interesting at the same time. Clear paragraphs, heading, sub-headings, bullet points surely help in grasping the swaying attention of readers but to keep them glued to the screen you need to come up with a SEO-friendly blog offering. We genuinely feel that captivating the audiences and gaining the SEO top slot are two sides of the same coin which needs to go hand-in-hand and in our today’s article, we shall show you how.

How to Write An SEO-Friendly Blog

SEO-Friendly Blog Writing Tips for Beginners

1. Wear your thinking cap

Before proceeding with the writing part take a few minutes break and ponder over the idea you wish to portray or information you wish to share. Do some background research on the value add your content will impart to its readers and in what way can the write-up be better than tonnes of similar ones available in the Google directory.

2. Structure framing

Introduction, body, and conclusion are the three basic elements of any blog post. You need to first come up with a skeleton of the same dividing your entire subject matter amongst the trio. Having a clear idea and structure in mind will help you proceed with your articles in a hassle-free way.

3. Paragraph segregation

Paragraphs surely accentuate the beauty of your article but uncalled for use can deteriorate its quality at the same time. There should be a valid justification behind every paragraph break. Ask yourself if each of the paragraphs contain a sovereign idea which you wish to share with your audience. If not, merge them for damage control!
According to Yoast one paragraph should contain less than 150 word. If using more than this then use sub headings.

4. Headings – A must

Headings impart a proper structure to your web page. Apart from emphasizing on the readability frontier, the headings also help in tackling various SEO issues. Ranking gets improved as Google can grasp the main points of a long post. In case you wish to attract more traffic then you can make use of sub headings as the latter helps the quick browsers in gaining an idea of the article through a flickering survey. Some sub headings can have keywords but not all as that would bring down the article quality.
Headings are –
  • <h1>…use only post title…</h1>
  • <h2>…Something relevant about topic…</h2>
  • <h3>…Sub heading 1, 2, 3…</h3>
  • <h4>…Sub heading of Sub heading…</h4>

5. Length Optimisation

To deliver work like top-notch New Haven SEO firms, your articles should bear the minimum length of 300 words. Lengthy articles might very well scare away prospective readers thus it’s best not to cross over the 700 words threshold. Try to maintain the keyword latency of about 1-2% in your article for better Google ranking.

6. Regular flow

Your blog might lose its mass appeal if your website goes into hibernation mode. Google rarely crawls inactive sites thus bringing rankings much further down the ladder. Regular updating can be of great help in attracting broader traffic base.

7. Linking it through

With time old posts lose its relevance and appeal to readers. But considering the significant time and effort, you devoured on creating the same, linking the same with current ones will keep on diverting traffic to the same thus hiking up your overall page ranking.
SEO-friendly blog content is the king and with the help of best Rankfore SEO experts, you can surely nail the Google ranking ordeal.

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