
How to Share Wapka Site Post on Facebook With Thumbnail Image and Post Title

How to Share Wapka Site Post on Facebook With Thumbnail Image and Post Title

Hello Guest,

how are you .?

I hope that you are well.

Today i am share facebook share code for wapka for site with tutorial .

SackBD.Ga CommuniTy ™

1. Go to your bottom footer page and paste the code.And change
1112028648844001 your FB app id.

PHP: copy by quote ↓↓
  1. <script type="text/JavaScript"> /* This Code only For Don't use without permission */ m=document.getelementsByname('b')[0].innerHTML; os=m.replace(/<b>|</b>|<|>|'|"|
    class="figure">src="|" alt="SackBD.Ga CommuniTy ™" style="max-width:100%" class="img-thumbnail" name="imgtop">
    /ig,''); os=os.substr(0,207); os=os.substr(7); if(m.match(/
    class="figure">src="/ig)){picture=m.split('[img]')[1].split('" alt="SackBD.Ga CommuniTy ™" style="max-width:100%" class="img-thumbnail" name="imgtop">

    ')[0];}else{picture=''; }shbtn='<href="'+os+'&picture='+picture+'&redirect_uri=;href="+location.href+"&title='+document.title+'"target="_blank"><b style="border:1px solid #3b5998;background: #3b5998;padding: 4px 0px 4px 0px;color:#fff;position: relative;"><img style="margin-bottom: -9px;" src="" height="30px" width="30px"/></b><b style="border:1px solid #3b5998;background: #3b5998;padding: 4px 4px 4px 1px;color:#fff;position: relative;">Facebook</b></a>';document.getelementsByname('sshare')[0].innerHTML=shbtn; </script>

N:B:- Replace SackBD

2. Then go to your wap2 msg in forum 1st^ box and find ::msg:: and just delete ::msg:: then past the code.
Code: copy by quote ↓↓
<div name="b">::msg::</div>

3. at last post this code you show the facebook share button option.

PHP: copy by quote ↓↓
  1. <div name="sshare">Loading.....</div>'
All Done..welcome.

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