
Wapka Latest Stylish Content Manager FileList Code Download Site Videos-Images-Softwares

Wapka Latest Stylish Content Manager FileList Code Download Site Videos-Images-Softwares

Hi Wapka Masters,Today We Will Give Code to Display Wapka New Content Manager Code for Displaying Videos List,Image List,Softwares n More.Content Manager is best than Old Wapka Filemanager Because In Wapka Content manager,there is No Limit On Total Data Uploaded.You Can Upload Unlimited Files and Crete a Huge Download Site in Wapka

:list-video:cid=xxxxx,l=6,s=:geti-page(1):,o=createtime::<div class="fold"><table width="100%"><tbody><tr><td width="65"><a href="%viewurl%"><img src="%thumburl%" width="60" height="80" alt="%title%"/></a></td><td valign="top"><a href="%viewurl%">%title%</a><br/><small>File Size: %filesize%<br/>Downloads: %downtotal%</small></td></tr></tbody></table></div>:: :/list-video: <center><br /><div class="png"><br />:paging:n=:geti-page(1):,u=site_:getid-site:.%ext%?get-cid=:get-cid:&get-page=%n%&get-cn=:get-cn::admin-hash-amp: ::<div class="paging"><span>%prev%</span><span>%n%</span> <span>%n%</span> <span>%n%</span> <span>%n%</span><span>%next%</span></div><br />(Page::get-page(1):/%nlast%)<br/><br/>:/paging:</div><br /></center>
Wapka Latest Stylish Content Manager FileList Code Download Site Videos-Images-Softwares
Change list-video to : 
For Images : list-image
For Software : list-software  
For Game : list-game
For Music : list-music 
For Themes : list-theme

And Change xxxxx to Respective CID Number .

Go To Wapka Login >> Content Manager >> Then Click On Image >> Select  Category >> Copy Code and replace it...
>> Also Read : How Can I Delete My Wapka Site | How To Delete Wapka Mobi Site ?
Go to Wapka CM Deployment Tool >> 
Select The Category You Need to Deploy >>

Click On Create List item for Images >> Insert the Above Code In Layout format*: Click Preview And Confirm It !And Done... You Can Change the Code and make it Fit according to Your Site CSS Style

How to Create Wapka Stylish Forum 2015

You can Do the Same Process for Video,Imaes,Software,Themes,etc Still Any Doubts Or Problems ? Comment Here...

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