
Wapka.Mobi Stylish Online User Count Code With List Details

Today We will show you how you can add Wapka stylish code to display site online users details code and also show the visitors ip adress, the page they are browsing right now, and country and their browser info with paging.

Here is the screenshot of Wapka Online Users Counter and their Online List:

wapka stylish online users details list code xhtml
wapka online users code details

How to Add Wapka Online Users Details Code :

1. Login to your Wapka Admin Panel .

2. Select your sites from sites list.

3. Select Admin Mode in your site admin panel.

4. Now Click On ::EDIT SITE:: >> Jump to Site  from the bottom right of the page .

5. Now Jump to Page -2 , Which is default bottom autocontent for all wapka sites.

6. Again Click On ::EDIT SITE:: and Add WML/XHTML Code .

7. Now Paste this code :

<a href="">[:stats-online: Users Online] </a>
and Save it.

Replace site_A.xhtml with your new wapka page you will create to display online users list.

Copy Code Form Here :


8. Create a New Site A, and Add the below code 

<h2 class="title">Online Users Browsing Now</h2>
<ul>:userstats:d=oa, o=t, a=non-logged user, l=10, s=:geti-site(1): ::
<li><div class="lname">%lname% </div>
<div><font color="green"><b>From:</b> %country1%<br />
<b>IP:</b> %ipx%<br />
<b>Using:</b> %browser%<br />
<b>Location:</b> %location%</font></div></li>
:: :/userstats: </ul>:paging: n=:geti-site(1):, u=site_0.%ext%?get-site=%n% ::<div class="nav"><b>Pages:</b> <span>%n%</span> <span>%n%</span> <span>%n%</span> <span>%n%</span> ... <span>%nlast%</span></div>:/paging:<br />

li{border:1px solid #eee;margin-bottom:7px;list-style:none;padding:4px}

Copy Code From Below :


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