
16 Best Twitter Tools to Dominate Twitter Marketing in 2018

Best Twitter Tools: The Ultimate List
If you are a marketer, blogger, and small businessman, you should use social media to grow your business. Social media not only help in acquiring more customers, but also in increasing the brand exposure too. 
Twitter is one of those top social networks where your potential readers and customers are hanging in. As Twitter has become one of the top ten most popular websites in the world, many marketers and webmasters tend to use Twitter to amplify their business.
Just like in search engine optimization, in Twitter marketing, you have to use specific tools. There are lots of Twitter tools just like SEO tools. However, many of them have standard features and tools. But, only a few of them have unique features. That’s why they stand out from other Twitter tools online.
For all the marketers and people who are looking to increase their sales and marketing exposure, they should use at least one of best twitter tools. I have found lots of twitter tools. Among those tools, I filtered a few best Twitter tools that online/offline marketers, bloggers and small businesses can use to manage their twitter accounts and make use of them to grow community around their account.
Some of below Twitter tools may be new to you, or you may already know them. But, if you know any other great Twitter tool than I listed below, please let me know in the comment form below. I will happily add them up to this Ultimate List of Best Twitter Tools, if they have certain qualities of a good, stable online Twitter software. Help me grow this Twitter tools list fast! 😀
16 Best Twitter Tools to Dominate Twitter Marketing in 2018 #TwitterTools #SocialMediaMarketing
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The Ultimate List of Twitter Tools To Dominate Twitter Marketing in 2018


ContenStudio is my number one social media management and content curation tool. I found it recently. However, I blew away seeing powerful features of this impressive social media management tool. As a Twitter lover, I would strongly believe that you'll use ContentStudio on daily basis once you get familiar with it.
Here are just a few impressive abilities of ContentStudio tool. Use them for your Twitter marketing campaigns in 2018 and beyond fearlessly.

Discover trending hashtags on Twitter

Twitter is a microblogging social network with certain limits such as 280 character limit. One secret to reach more audiences on Twitter is using hashtags.
But, not just hashtags, hashtags that are relevant, targeted to your audience and importantly trending hashtags. ContentStudio's Discovery tool lets you to find trending hashtags in worldwide or locally instantly.
Once you have signed into your Content Studio account, go to Discovery >> Trending >> Select "Twitter icon" at the top bar. 
find trending twitter hashtags worldwide
Find Trending Twitter Hashtags (Click on Image to enlarge)
If you're running a local business and want to find trending Twitter hashtags in locally, then select the preferred country. In this example, I selected "United States."
Here are the most-used hashtags in past 24 hours by Twitter users in United States.
trending on twitter (United States) hashtags
In fact, finding top Twitter hashtags is another way to find out the trending topics in a certain country. For example, news, politics, natural disasters, festivals, movies and TV shows etc. 
That's why #TheXFiles hashtag has become so popular in Twitter. (If you don't know, 'The X Files' is a popular TV show in United States.)
Tweets with #TheXFiles hashtag (Click on Image to enlarge)
You can also find Tweets in other languages related to the particular Twitter hashtag.
Content Studio is a Twitter management tool as well. So, you can save your favorite tweets and use them later or share them using the share button beneath each tweet.

Find tweets based on terms and sources

Twitter is all about tweets. People tweet about many things. Also use it for finding many things. If you're using the search box in Twitter, then it's hard to categorize them and manage your Twitter marketing campaigns. 
ContentStudio allows search Twitter for tweets.
search tweets based on keywords
Search Twitter based on Keywords (Click on Image to enlarge)
Here are the search queries you can use on Content Studio Discovery to help with your Twitter marketing campaigns.
  • Search by a keyword: marketing
  • Search by a phrase: content marketing
  • Search by site:
  • Search by author: author:Sarah Perez
  • Search by author in a site: author:Sarah Perez &&
Alternatively, you can use Content Studio's Discovery feature to find trending posts on Facebook and other social networks and post them to your Twitter account with relevant (and popular) hashtags.


Well, I am telling this not to brag about Content Studio. But, I have to tell this.
I haven't seen a social media composer tool like in Content Studio. It is so powerful, and its interface is one of most beautiful ones in any Twitter posting tools.
contentstudio composer
Composer (Click on Image to enlarge)
This is not a review about Content Studio, so I won't dive into its features, abilities etc. However, here are a key things you can accomplish with Composer in Content Studio to empower your Twitter marketing plans in 2018. 
  • Three posting patterns: You can publish a post immediatelyschedule or add to queueNote: When you integrate your Twitter private account or public account (personal, business, company etc.) with Content Studio, it identifies perfect times to post. (to get more impressions, engagements etc.)
  • Repeat posting: If you want to post a tweet multiple times on Twitter with a certain time gap, you could do it with Content Studio Composer. You can also set the time and date, so you could use it prominently in cases like you're holding an webinar event. 
  • Share same tweet on multiple Twitter accounts: If you're searching for a good Twitter tool to share same content on multiple Twitter accounts, then you don't have to use any more software to sign in and out.
  • Custom link shorteners: Tracking and statistics are very important subject in any marketing. If you're using any Twitter tool to promote your business online and don't use analytics tool, then you aren't following a good Twitter marketing strategy. You can integrate link shortener such as, and find link clicks etc easily. 
  • Assigned Members: Content Studio is a perfect social media management tool for agencies. If you have a virtual assistant for social media activities and Twitter account management and marketing, then you can assign him or her to save time.

Posts calender

It becomes a headache to manage multiple twitter accounts if you are running a business which nourishes from social media. It becomes a pain if you're a social media agency.
Content Studio is an excellent Twitter tool for agencies. That's why you can schedule posts for Twitter and manage them neatly with Post calendar in Content Studio.
social media posts planner
Social Media Posts Planner (Click on Image to enlarge)


My favorite part of Content Studio is the Automation tool. If you're searching a powerful, yet easy-to-use Twitter automation tool, then you must give Content Studio's Automation tool a try.
content studio automation recipes
Automate Twitter Marketing with Automation tool (Click on Image to enlarge)
You can build a Twitter automation campaign in or less 5 minutes, literally. 
find content keywords
Create Twitter Automation campaign: Add keywords (Click on Image to enlarge)
More search results are better for your Twitter automation campaign. However you can tweak it by adding more keywords, lengthening the post age as well. It totally depends on your Twitter marketing strategy. So, I let it for you to decide.
more suggestions build campaign
Preview posts. Add more keywords (Click on Image to Enlarge)
As an intelligent Twitter marketer, you could use Twitter Discovery feature I mentioned above to find trending Twitter hashtags and add them up to your Twitter automation campaigns. A wise idea, right? 😉
twitter automation settings
Twitter automation settings
Content Studio will monitor content for you as your conditions and share them on your Twitter accounts. Mentioning authors of articles in your Tweets will increase the exposure and ultimately increase your Twitter followers.
If you aren't using Twitter automation these days, it's really hard to win Twitter marketing in 2018 particularly. Think about how many competitors there are for your industry. They use Twitter automation tools and strategies to increase followers, engagements and revenue.
Content Studio is an ultimate social media marketing tool for every type of marketer and business. I have a small business agency account which allows me to manage my clients' accounts as well.
Content Studio is totally worth it. Sign up for a premium plan today, because it has more features rather than the free plan. I bet you won't regret with your decision to use Content Studio for your social media marketing campaigns. Click here to get started with Content Studio.
Make Twitter Automation campaigns Powerful and targeted with Content Studio #TwitterTools #SMM @ContentStudioio ‏@gmchamal
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Awario logo
Awario is a social media monitoring and brand mention tracking tool by Link Assistant. In fact, it's no wrong to mention that Awario is the web version (SaaS model) of Buzzbundle which is one of the apps under SEO Powersuite.
Listening to social media trends, conversations, especially on Twitter is a brilliant move.
Why, because with proper Twitter monitoring, you can...
  • Get ideas on what other people or customers think about your business (Both good and bad customer reviews)
  • Get alerts whenever an influencer tweets your latest post or vlog. So, you can reach them out and thank and build relationships.
  • Acquire potential clients to your business. Setting a simple Twitter alert like "how to improve my SERP rankings" will show you people who tweet about the particular topic. Apparently, with proper targeting, you can identify enough potential clients who are looking for ways to improve their organic traffic.
  • Find opportunities to sell products and services: Same as finding potential clients, you can use Twitter keyword tracking tools to find people who are looking for something specific related to your business or service offering.
If you take a look at social media monitoring and tracking intensely, you can come up with other great ideas to grow your business.
That's where Awario comes in. It's an excellent Twitter mention analytics and Twitter tracking tool.
Here's the Awario dashboard for Twitter activities for terms I have tracked.
twitter mention analytics in awario
Twitter Mention Tracking Analytics Overview (Click on image on enlarge)
You can create very targeted alerts based on keywords, domains you specify. And with advanced options such as country, language targeting, you can really filter out irrelevant results and get highly targeted ones.
alert settings in awario
And if you want to do more or go further, I recommend "Boolean search" feature. 
awario alert settings boolean operations
Boolean Search Operators - Click here to learn how to Boolean search in Awario.
Awario reports are still not that great. However, they include primary metrics such as Twitter influencers, twitter hashtags, Twitter alert comparison.
mention statistics awario
Mention Statistics - Awario (Click on image to enlarge)
If you run a social media agency, then Awario is one of best twitter monitoring tools for you. Because it has the white-label report feature.
If you're looking for a useful Twitter mention analytics and Twitter monitoring tool for your business, then I recommend Awario. Not just because I personally use Awario, but the team always improving the product and it's the same people who built tools like Website Auditor.

For a limited time, I was able to get a few Awario coupons for Pitiya readers. Use any of ​these Awario coupon codes to get up to 50% OFF discounts on your bill.
Track Your Brand Keywords on Twitter Using Awario #Awario #Twitter #SMM @AwarioApp @gmchamal
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If you don't know Twitter has changed their policies to prevent marketers using twitter automation tools to repost same tweets multiple times.

So, many Twitter posting tools are undergone this policy change, and many Twitter auto-posting tools were gone.

However, Missinglettr survived from it. 
Missinglettr is a social media posting tool that creates social media postings for up to TWO years with different messages based on your blog post.

I have started using Missinglettr since March of 2018 and already am seeing good results out of it.
Here are a few advantages I see using Missinglettr for scheduling posts for twitter.
  • Save time: I'd like to spend more time improving my blog rather than scheduling tweets for Twitter or posts for other social networks. I am sure that Missinglettr has saved days of my life that might have been used for creating content for social networks.
  • Branded content: One feature that I have not ever seen on other twitter posting tools is adding personalized and branded content into tweets. "Chat bubbles" is one feature that will help you showcase your brand in your tweets. See the example tweet in below.
  • Autosuggest relevant hashtags: Missinglettr crawls your content and finds optimal and popular hashtags for getting a high reach for your tweets. Using proper hashtags is one way to get more eyeballs to your tweets. However, make sure you don't overuse it as it might look spam and eventually decrease the reach of your tweets.
  • Tweets schedule calendar: Once you have created and scheduled a few hundreds of tweets to be posted at relevant times, it's getting complicated to understand time-gaps between each tweet. Fortunately, Missinglettr has a schedule calendar where you can see all the tweets scheduled. With search filters, you can find tweets planned for the particular twitter account and for promoting specific blog post too. So, it's a helpful tool if you manage clients' Twitter accounts.
  • Integrate custom URL trackers: As of Google's link shortener is shut down, you have to find an alternative. Luckily, there are a few, and Missinglettr has direct integration with them all. I personally use PixelMe as the URL shortener (and tracker) for Missinglettr. Pixelme adds retargeting pixels for links you share so you can retarget them on Twitter and other social networks.
missinglettr schedule calendar
Calendar - Missinglettr (Click on image to enlarge)

A tweet with chat bubble

Another tweet generated by Missinglettr

In fact, Missinglettr has lots of features to make social media posting hassle free.

Sign up for Missinglettr 14-Day Free trial today or use this link to get 50% OFF discount on any plan for first 3 months!


If you are an SEO, content marketing, link building or social media expert or are knowing these fields, you would already know what NinjaOutReach is.
NinjaOutReach is basically an influencer marketing tool, outreach tool and relationship building tool.
What NinjaOutReach good at is;
  • Finding influencers in your industries
  • Finding their contact details such as email address, phone numbers
  • Finding their social profiles including Twitter accounts
  • Outreaching influencers
What most marketers know about NinjaOutReach as it's an excellent email outreach tool. However, what many don't know is that it can do just more than email outreach.
For example NinjaOutReach could,
  • Find social influencer on most industries. (3K+ followers)
  • Find social influencers' details such as name, location, website and contact details such as email address and phone number. 
If you had been trying to launch any email outreach campaign, you know how difficult it is. But, NinjaOutReach makes it easier.
Here's how to find women's health blogs that accept guest posts with over 10,000 Twitter followers.
find top blogs based twitter followers
Find Blogs based on Twitter Followers (Click on Image to enlarge) 
And also you could tweak your Twitter marketing strategy to use both ContentStudio and NinjaOutReach.
Use Content Studio to find people who shared articles similar to yours on Twitter. Then grab their website addresses and import them to NinjaOutReach. Wait a few minutes until NinjaOutReach grab their email addresses.
Then, start outreaching them for pitching your content for them to share! 
Here's an example how I combine both Content Studio and NinjaOutReach to empower my Twitter promotion strategy.
Go to Content Studio Discovery section. Search your keyword phrase you want to find influencers and hit enter button. Look for a relatively similar article yours and click on "Twitter Influencers" button at the beneath of article box.
find twitter influencers
Find Twitter users who have shared content on Twitter
Sort results by time or number of Twitter followers. Both are similar. However, I sorted by Twitter followers because more Twitter followers means we could get more exposure. In the meantime, it would be harder. But, with right Twitter promotion strategy, nothing is impossible!
twitter sharers of article
Twitter Sharers sorted by Twitter followers
Now do a social influencer search on NinjaOutReach to find email address of our potential twitter sharer.
find twitter influencer contact details
Find Twitter Influencers' Contacts Details (Click on Image to enlarge)
Create a list  (put a rememberful name such as "digital marketing Twitter influencers"), add Twitter influencer to your list and start outreaching 
Pro Tip: 
Follow Twitter influencer on Twitter before outreaching them. Retweet their posts and like them. If he/she has a blog, drop a few comments (not spam-looking comments like "l like it", "great content" etc., but thorough ones).
Here's a short Twitter outreach email template. Feel free to edit it as you want.
Hi [first name],

My name is [your name] from [company or website]. I really enjoyed reading the article you shared on Twitter [link to tweet], and especially [show a few key points/takeaways from post]. So, I retweet it with my Twitter followers: [link to retweet]

In fact, I just published an article on [topic of your blog post] and it {shows/teaches/includes} [key features of your blog post]. I would think that your Twitter followers will [like/enjoy reading/love] it: [link to your blog post]

Here's a short crafted tweet for you to share: [Your tweet here or link to tweet (use to build tweet links manually)]

Either way, keep {doing good works/sharing good content}!

Best Regards,
[Your name]
[Link to your website/ Position in your company]
The key to a perfect Twitter promotion campaign is personalizing your email scripts as much as possible and keep it as short as possible.
Although NinjaOutReach has the "auto follow up" ability, don't overly use it. Use it wisely; no one likes to receive follow up messages from unwanted people.
You can also use NinjaOutReach to hold a Twitter Chat. The opportunities are enormous to utilize Twitter for marketing and leverage when you know their contact details and have the ability to outreach bunch of Twitter influencers at once automatically.
Launch Your Twitter Outreach Campaigns Easily with NinjaOutReach #TwitterTools #TwitterOutreach @ninjaoutreach @gmchamal
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If you run a social media agency and are looking for an excellent Twitter tool to supplement for your Twitter marketing requirements, Agorapulse is for you.
Although you are not a Twitter marketing agency, if you would want to manage multiple social accounts, you could still use Agorapulse to manage them all in one dashboard.
agorapulse fans & followers
Twitter Fans & Followers: Agorapulse (Click on image to enlarge)
Agorapulse has tons of features and tools for Twitter marketing. Here are a very few of them.
  • Social Inbox: You can manage all content, direct messages, retweets, likes, and lists in one dashboard. 
  • Twitter Monitoring: Add keywords to track who and what happens in your industry. For example, you could add your website to know who tweets about your website.
  • User Profiling: Identify your Twitter ambassadors and influencers correctly.
  • Competitor Analysis: Compare the performance of your Twitter marketing strategies with your competitors and build certain benchmarks for reaching your goals and targets in short period of time.
  • Twitter Posts Calendar: Drag-and-drop post scheduling calendar makes it so easier to manage Twitter posts schedule over years. Duplicate tweets you want to share multiple times within a day, week or a month easily. Collaborate with your team members or your social media marketing virtual assistant.
  • Evergreen Content Management: Want to republish key contents on regular basis? Simply reschedule your favorite content in Agorapulse.
  • Advanced Twitter Analytics: Do you want to find out which hashtags generated most impressions? or clicks, retweets etc.? Make use of Agorapulse reporting tool to find out hidden gems of ideas to take your Twitter promotion strategy to the next level.
  • Recommendations: Tweets on all time won't probably give much results as you expected. But, with right Twitter tool, right twitter strategy, you could double targets in Twitter marketing. Agorapulse recommends which content type, which days of week, and which times of day have generated most engagements, so you could tweak your Twitter strategy accordingly.
If you run a SMM agency, then I suggest give Agorapulse a try. They offers 15 day free trial which is enough for most marketers to decide whether it's best to keep using a social media marketing tool furthermore.
Monitor Your Twitter Accounts, Check Competitors' Performance with Agorapulse #TwitterTools #MonitorTwitter @AgoraPulse @gmchamal
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One of our biggest expectations of using a Twitter tool does not only to maintain a clean and quality Twitter account , but also to increase twitter followers fast too.
Rewst is an excellent Twitter growth tool used by thousands of Twitter users to grow their twitter followers.
Here’s how Rewst Twitter growth tool will increase twitter followers.
  • 1
    Rewst will analyze your twitter account and find what topics your followers are interested in.
  • 2
    Then, Rewst will make a list of unfollowed Twitter users and make it so easier for you to follow them as efficiently while also staying with Twitter guidelines.
  • 3
    Once you follow relevant Twitter users, you will get a certain percentage of them follow you back. This strategy is also known as “Copy Followers.”
  • 4
    Not everyone who you follow will follow you back. Rewst will take a close eye on your Twitter followings and followers. It will make a list of all Twitter users who you follow, but they don’t follow you. You are a just a few clicks away to unfollow them all.
Sound good, right?
There are a lot more features of Rewst Twitter growth tool. But, before knowing those, check out this results of real users of Rewst.
real results of Rewst users
Awesome, right? Who doesn't want to add at least extra 1000 Twitter followers a month?
If you’re searching for a good Twitter post scheduler, so you might use Rewst as well. Because, it offers a few Twitter tools for management, engagement, and search. Here are a few of them.
Rewst features
If you’re searching for a Twitter tool to grow followers consistently and fast, then I’d recommend giving a try to Rewst. Its pricing is also very straightforward. $15 per month or $150 per year. Your choice!
Grow Your Twitter Followers on Regular Basis With Rewst #TwitterTool #TwitterGrowth @MyRewst @gmchamal
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hootsuite twitter dashboard
Managing multiple Twitter accounts with Hootsuite Unified Inbox feature (Click on Image to enlarge)
I am a huge fan of social media management. Are you? Well, when it comes to the point of best Twitter account management tools, we can’t forget Hootsuite. Already more than 10 million Twitter power users use of Hootsuite to manage their accounts. I have been using Hootsuite since 2012, so I can recommend that this tool is a must-have Twitter tool in 2018 and beyond. Here are a few features of Hootsuite.
hootsuite twitter posting
Twitter posting tool in Hootsuite (Click on Image to enlarge)
  • Ability to manage more than one Twitter account: If you have more than one Twitter account, you can control them in one dashboard. This feature is very helpful if you have multiple Twitter accounts.
  • Save Tweets as Templates: This is a very time-saving trick. By using this tool, you can save tweets as templates and publish them in anytime you want.
  • Schedule Tweets: Hootsute is one of best Twitter automation tools which make it really easy to schedule your Tweets. There are two tweet schedule modules. The first one is autoschedule in which Hootsuite sends your tweets on optimal times to get more exposure. (yes, you can set certain times to auto delivery messages too) The other one is manual timing. If you want to post your tweets at specific times, you can schedule unlimited tweets using Hootsuite.
  • Targeting options: One new feature Hootsuite added is targeting options. This is absolutely a really helpful feature, because you can target specific religions to see your tweet. How awesome is that? Ex: I have written an article about How to Open a Virtual US Bank Account Online For FREE a few months ago. This tutorial is for people who are not US residents. So It is not too necessary USA residents see my tweet. With the use of Targeting options, you can specify which people should see your tweet. If you run a webinar for any country-specific people, you can use HootSuite Targeting options to get more targeted sign up for webinar.
  • Attach Image or File: If you tweet or DM on Twitter, you couldn’t upload files to Twitter except images. But, by using the Hootsuite Twitter automation tool, you can upload any file (ex: PDF, text document) to Hootsuite and send to your Twitter followers.
  • Branded Shortened URLs: is a URL shortening service owned by Hootsuite. When you purchase Hootsuite Pro version, you can make your own URL shortener. Ex: (
  • Twitter Quick Search: This is another new feature that Hootsuite added recently. I too had a problem to find trending topics on Twitter. On those occasions, I logged into my Twitter account and searched for Trend section to find upcoming events and trending topics. But, with the new feature, you and me can easily find trending topics in the HootSuite dashboard.
  • Management: Unlike other twitter tools, in Hootsuite, you can manage your Twitter account conveniently. You can follow people, see others followers, followings, twitter timeline, mentions, favorites, retweets, etc. Hootsuite also has a twitter user scoring system called Klout. Klout score is counted by using different metrics. You can find all other features of HootSuite social media management tool over here.
Recently, Hootsuite introduced their new social media composer tool. With social media composer, you could bulk tweet for multiple Twitter accounts. Check screenshot below to know how it overall works as a Twitter composer tool. I have connected my personal Twitter account and Pitiya Twitter account. So, I could tweet the same message without hassle!
hootsuite social media composer
HootSuite social media composer tool (Click on image to enlarge)
Overall Hootsuite is one of best twitter management tools. Not only you can manage your Twitter account, but also your Facebook profile, pages, groups, LinkedIn profile, pages, communities and Google+, StumbleUpon, Reddit, Tumblr and many other social networks too. Plus, there are lots of Apps on Hootsuite social media management service. By using them you can control your social media accounts very quickly. Hootsuite has a few pricing packages. By using a free plan, you can control a few social media accounts and a few social apps. But with Pro version, you can bulk schedule tweets, so you can save lots of time.
Hootsuite is one of my best social management tools in my arsenal. If you’re planning to take your social media marketing to the next level, increase Twitter community engagement, traffic to website etc., so you should use HootSuite in 2018. There are a few new tools which will be realized in the next upcoming months. Get a FREE 30 day Hootsuite Pro account over here.
Manage Your Twitter Account With Hootsuite #TwitterTools #ManageTwitter @hootsuite @gmchamal
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Managing Twitter followers is not the only thing you'd aspect by using a Twitter tool. The things such as analyzing Twitter followers of competitors and find their strategies, techniques which they use to victory Twitter marketing battle always matter to run a better social media marketing campaign.
That is why I use SEMrush's social media tool to do reverse lookup of Twitter accounts. SEMrush is my favorite all-in-one tool to analyze competitors. Their latest social media research tool is "Social Media Tool." It comes under Projects in SEMrush. Once you have an SEMrush account, you are ready to spy on competitors' social media activities.
SEMrush's Social Media Tool is capable of doing formidable tasks. Here are just a few of them.
  • Measure up of social media activities of competitors: SEMrush updates their database on daily basis. So, you can track all performance of competitors daily and measure and compare with your current Twitter promotions. A better Twitter marketer always takes care of competitors. So, do you want to be a better Twitter marketer? Then don’t forget to check out competitor research feature of SEMrush social media tool.
  • Compare Twitter accounts: You can add multiple competitor accounts and thus get a clear idea about your current position. SEMrush visualizes all data in very attractive graphs, charts, and tables. So, it’s not technically hard to get to know how to improve your Twitter marketing campaigns.
  • Check Twitter engagement: Twitter engagement rate is a critical factor you should consider if you want to succeed in Twitter marketing. Because of Twitter engagement ratio is a factor of reaching more audience. With SEMrush Social Media Tool, you can find how many likes, retweets, mentions and other activities have been done with competitor accounts very easily. Yes, you can perform these functions manually. Even though, the important thing is SEMrush give you more important details that you can’t ever imagine.
If you want to make an apparent change to your twitter marketing plan in this year, I recommend you to give a try to SEMrush.
Their paid plans start from $99/mo. But, if you're interested in trying their all tools free for two weeks, then use this link to create your Free SEMrush trial GURU account.
As a person who is personally using SEMrush for social media analysis, keyword research, and competitor analysis, I can guarantee that you will never regret using SEMrush.
Analyze Twitter Accounts of Your Competitors, Find Their Twitter Marketing Strategies Easily with SEMrush Social Media Tool #TwitterTools #AnalyzeTwitter @semrush @gmchamal
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I have been using ManageFlitter since a few months. Results? Amazing!
Literally, ManageFlitter is one of  top-notch Twitter tools i have ever used. As my personal Twitter account exceeds 7,000 Twitter follower base, i have to use a compatible, reliable and a powerful tool that can manage my large targeted Twitter followers. I know every word i post on Twitter should have a value and purpose. That's why i am so careful when it comes to selecting best software for Twitter.
In my previous post on Best Twitter Unfollow Tools, i explained about the ManageFlitter comprehensively. Here are a few key features of ManageFlitter Twitter management tool.
  • PowerPost: Not every Twitter follower is active in same time. As your followers’ geographic data differ time-to-time and country-to-country, you would want to find the best time to tweet to get the maximum exposure. Yes, you can use Twitter handles to get more impressions. But, by analyzing Twitter followers and finding the time that most of your followers are active, you can get more eyeballs for your sweet tweet and hopefully a few retweets and link clicks too. ManageFiltter provides very extensive data about your Twitter followers and their activities. For an example, let’s say that you have a post to Tweet for London citizens. You can analyze Twitter followers located in London area and find the time that most of them are active. You are just a few clicks away to bulk schedule tweets for followers in London. Also, you can connect your Facebook and LinkedIn accounts to send out scheduled posts in the best times to get maximum exposure.
  • Unfollow Inactive and Useless Followers: If you asked me, what is my favorite feature of ManageFlitter, i would say straightly that it is unfollow. There are vast majority of ways to unfollow inactive and nonfollowing people on Twitter in ManageFlitter. By Spam Score, Last Activity, People who don’t speak English, Inactive followers and Non-following are some of top ways to unfollow people on Twitter. Also, you can bulk unfollow Twitter accounts too. I unfollowed many accounts that i have followed mistakenly in past and made my account more professional and spam-looking-free.
  • Follow: Just like Unfollow feature, ManageFlitter is very powerful when it comes to selecting best people to follow on Twitter. I have used this tool a few times to get the attention of prospects and to reach out industry influencers and leaders such as Neil Patel. No doubt that after you using ManageFlitter’s Follow feature, you will use this Twitter tool in everyday to connect with more customers and like-minded people.
  • RSS Feeds to Post: If you are a blogger, you would know the importance of social media management to drive referral traffic to your website. As time is the most valuable factor, you can’t waste your valuable time for other things. Many people outsource Twitter sharing. But, with ManageFlitter you can turn RSS feed to Tweets automatically. This is one of useful features on ManageFlitter you would encounter as a blogger.
  • Analytics: ManageFlitter is a Twitter Management tool. That means, it provides vast majority of tools to manage your Twitter account. When managing your account, understanding the current situation is very important. You don’t have to worry anything about, if you use ManageFlitter to manage your Twitter account. Account Analytics, Tweet Analytics, Account History and Email History are the types of Analytics in ManageFlitter. You can do many things and make your Twitter account the biggest asset of your social media marketing.
  • Search: ManageFlitter is very flexible when it comes to search feature. You have lots of ways to search on Twitter. Even rather than Twitter’s Advanced search filter. For an example, with Twitter Advanced Search tool, you can’t define the website to find owners or influencers who tweets post of website. But, with ManageFlitter, you are just a few clicks away to find out people who shared links to post for your competitor site.
ManageFlitter is a very useful Twitter tool to manage your Twitter account. As an individual who used this tool for over two years, I can recommend this tool for every Twitter power user.
Clean up Your Twitter Account, Increase Twitter Followers with ManageFlitter #TwitterTools #IncreaseTwitterFollowers @ManageFlitter @gmchamal
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socialoomph boost your productivity
Socialoomph is a social media productivity tool which has lots of unique features and tools that other Twitter tools doesn't have. Socialoomph is a perfect tool if you want a great Twitter tool for your online & offline business. Here are several features of Socialoomph.
  • Purge DM Inbox: If you have multiple Twitter account and have lots of Direct messages, actually it would be a painful task to delete them manually. But, with Socialoomph, you can quickly delete everything or DMs older than seven days or DMs older than 30 days.
  • Send DMs to new followers: With this feature, you can send DMs to all new followers. For an example, for new followers, you can give away a freebie such as a PDF, small eBook.
  • Mimic follow — Replicate the following of others: You can scan up to five twitter accounts at a time and analyze their Twitter followings. So you can later follow them to build relationships with. It’s a great way to find out twitter power users that your competitors are following. Finding professional Twitter power-users is essential to succeed in Twitter marketing.
  • Define your channels: This is another useful feature on Socialoomph. Let’s say you want to track people who are talking about proofreading and also tweets that are related best proofreading tools. So by specifying your tweet channels and keywords, you can create unlimited groups to organize information.
  • View predefined channels: This feature will track your twitter accounts and tweets for your predefined keywords. If you want to track every tweet which is about “WordPress installation services” or “SEO consulting services,” you can easily track every tweet. This is an excellent way to find potential customers on Twitter.
  • Self-destructing (time-limited) update: This is one of my favorite features on Socialoomph. If you want any Tweet update to be deleted automatically after X hours, days, weeks or months, you can create self-destructing messages. How cool is it?
  • Bulk upload tweets: If you have already prepared tweets, you can very easily upload them to Socialoomph and set them to be sent out according to the time period you want.
  • Recurring updates: Do you want any tweet to be sent out after X hours, days, weeks or months right after its initial posting? So In Socialoomph, you don’t want copy & paste same tweet to be sent out in multiple times. Just set the recurring updates settings and let Socialoomph to send them at the right times. This is a highly helpful feature for bloggers. By using this feature you can get your post sent on many occasions.
  • Filter timelines: Even though you follow thousands of people on Twitter, if you don’t want receive updates from specific people, so you can filter out tweets sent by them and make your twitter timeline a special one.
  • Integrated timelines: By default, you get twitter updates from people and brands you are following, right? But with TweetCOCKPIT integration in Socialoomph, you can fetch more tweets to your timeline by filtering keyword-specific tweets so on.
Overall Socialoomph is a very powerful Twitter productivity tool. I have been using this online Twitter tool for a few months and was able to increase blog referral traffic in a short span of time. To learn more about Socialoomph and find how it can empower your Twitter account, follow this link.
Make Your Twitter Marketing Campaigns Easier, Powerful with SocialOomph #TwitterTools #TwitterProductivityTools @SocialOomph @gmchamal
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IFTTT is one of my best productive tools that I love to use always. IFTTT works on statements, which means you can specify explicit definitions to work around.
For an example, if I want to create a Twitter list based on a particular niche, keyword, I would use this recipe. (A statement is known as a recipe in IFTTT)
Build a Twitter list from a specific hashtag -- IFTTT recipe
Connect your Twitter account first.
After, click on “Add” button.
There are over 350 recipes on IFTTT. Many of them relate to Twitter. So, IFTTT can be known as another useful Twitter tool to improve productivity and conversions.
Connect Your Twitter Account with Other Apps and Strengthen Your Marketing Campaigns with IFTTT #TwitterTools #ConnectTwitter @IFTTT @gmchamal
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Most Active Hours of Twitter Followers (Click on Image to enlarge)
If you are in this marketing industry for a while, you should already know what Moz is and what Moz is for. Moz's most versatile social media marketing tool is FollowerWonk which is specially made for Twitter marketing.
Here are a few features of FollowerWonk.
  • Search Twitter accounts: There are a few ways you can do a Twitter search. For an example, if you want to find Twitter members who are experienced in freelance writing, you can do a bio search of freelance writing. So you will get a list of Twitter users who are experienced in freelance writing. (ex: article writers, ghostwriters)
  • Compare Twitter Followers: Can’t you find the real competitors of your business? Don’t worry, use the Twitter comparison tool to find overlaps of each account. So you can build new relationships and find new opportunities to widen your business audience. Thus drive more targeted traffic and increase sales.
  • Breakout your followers: You might have hundreds of or thousands of Twitter followers. But, how do you know what do they most like to receive? And where do they live? With FollowerWonk Twitter analytics tool, you can breakout your followers by locations, bio, active hours, who they follow and much more. It only takes a few minutes to find out interests of Twitter followers.
  • Find active hours of Twitter followers: The key to getting more exposure to your tweets is finding active hours of your twitter followers and share updates on those times. In that way, your tweets can get more impressions and so hopefully more engagements too. By far, the most important factor of your Twitter marketing. You can quickly examine your Twitter account and find out active hours of your influencers. That is excellent, right?
  • Track Twitter followers: Find followers vs. followers and correlate those statistics with retweets, likes, and brand mentions.
  • Find influencers: If you just started your internet business, the best way to boost your development ratio is to get a help of peoples who are already have built a strong foundation. Those people are known as “influencers” in marketing. With followerWonk Twitter analytics tool, you can find influencers for your business very easily.
There are tons of features and uses of FollowerWonk Twitter online app. However, those are the most important ones for any business. If you want to sustain in the marketing field and take your business to a new level, I suggest you check out FollowerWonk twitter tool.
Get Detailed Analytics Reports on Your Twitter Account's Performance with FollowerWonk #TwitterTools #TwitterAnalytics @FollowerWonk @gmchamal
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TweetDeck dashboard
TweetDeck (Click on Image to enlarge)
You may already have heard about TweetDeck. Twitter bought TweetDeck for $40 million in 2011, and now it contains more advanced Twitter tools to manage accounts. TweetDeck is one of best twitter analytics tools which offer various features to make it easy to conduct multiple Twitter accounts on one dashboard. Here are few things you can do inside TweetDeck Twitter management tool.
  • Add Multiple Twitter Accounts: You don’t want to use multiple TweetDeck accounts for multiple Twitter accounts. Authenticate each Twitter account you own and you can start managing each Twitter account.
  • Schedule tweets: Like other Twitter tools, with TweetDeck, you can schedule tweets for multiple accounts at a time.
  • Add Columns: Like in Hootsuite, in TweetDeck you can add multiple columns. Not only your Twitter accounts’ notifications, activity and home feed tabs, but also you can segment specific topics and add those tweets into columns. See the image above. Check how I added a new column which shows filtered tweets related to SEO.
  • Track Link Click Stats with After you add your account username and API key to TweetDeck, for every link you share through TweetDeck will be shortened through URL shortening service. Therefore, you can check click stats such as total clicks and referring sources in your account dashboard.
  • Alert via sounds and popups: If you manage multiple Twitter accounts and want to get notifications for Twitter activities such as receiving direct messages, you can get alerts through popups and sounds.
  • Advanced Filtering Options: TweetDeck has a rich advanced search filter. By using those advanced filter settings, you can get very targeted results.
  • Keyboard Shortcuts: Using keyboard shortcuts is the best convenient way to use TweetDeck efficiently. Although I don’t practice all those shortcuts, I usually use number keyboard shortcuts to navigate through each column, so I don’t want scroll horizontally anymore.
TweetDeck is a perfect place to manage all your Twitter accounts. If you are finding a free Twitter management tool, I recommend you to check out TweetDeck tool. As its convenient interface and powerful search filters, you can get most out of it and amplify your Twitter marketing plans moreover.
Manage Your Twitter Account, Check Inboxes of Multiple Accounts in One Dashboard with TweetDeck #TwitterTools #TweetDeck @TweetDeck @gmchamal
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Mention (Click on Image to enlarge)
Mention works just like Google alerts. You can choose the sources to track mentions (Blogs, RSS feeds, Images, web, videos, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Stumbleupon) and you’ll get alert both on the web and email. I love the Mention Twitter tool just because it has several useful features to leverage Twitter marketing. Here are a few specific features I found on
  • Get Mentions on Various sources: If you are a blogger or an SEO, you’d probably know that social mentions and web co-citations are ranking factors which most search engines use to rank web pages on SERPs. What’s the very specific feature in is that you can find mention sources and who mention them easily. Let’s say if someone mentions about your latest blog post in a tweet. So you can find who are those and send a DM (or set up an automated DM) to thank them. Another way you can utilize Mention for business purposes is that you can find business opportunities. Set up your mention alert (select Twitter as the source) and monitor mentions in live action. Once you found any relevant tweet, you can reply to it right away. As the process is working so fast, you can communicate with them so quickly.
  • Advanced Filtering settings: When you want to track something, whether it could be YouTube video tracking and competitor keyword analysis, you should use a tool which has great filtering options. In Mention Twitter tracker tool, you can filter tweets in different categories.
  • Mention Statistics: What I most like about mention statistics is that they update mention reports more frequently than I thought. Therefore, you’ll receive more accurate data. I was able to find people who are more frequently talking about SEO on Twitter very easily. Also Mention provides related match mentions. So we can use those terms on tweets to get maximum exposure. (Ex: if mention is “SEO”, related match mentions are SEO strategy, #SEO and SEO Audit) is a good social media tracking tool. By using Mention tool, I was able to find a few potential readers who are willing to improve their website SEO. Mention has a few pricing packages. Although you get many features on a premium subscription, you can still track Twitter by using a free Mention account.
Track Most Important Conversions with Mention #TwitterTools #TrackMentions @Mention @gmchamal
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COMMUN.IT dashboard
CommunIT Dashboard (Click on Image to enlarge) is another Twitter tool which provides various tools to manage multiple Twitter accounts from one dashboard. I started using since a few days ago, and I am very pleased seeing its amazing features. If you want a simple dashboard where you can control multiple Twitter account easily, I recommend trying Twitter community management tools. Here are a few special things you can do with the use of Commun.itTwitter tool.
  • Engage Influencers: is a Twitter community management tool. Therefore, you will be able to engage with existing influencers easily. can find who exactly actual influencers are. When I first created my account, I was amazed seeing my overall influencers. Some read my posts, favorite tweets, retweeting my tweets and others share my blog posts on their Twitter accounts manually. Actually, they are the people I must build relationships with. More influencers I have, I can easily build a larger social community on Twitter.
  • Thank New Followers: What if you could send a thank you tweet for every new follower? They would happily connect with you, right? So with Commun.It Twitter tool, you can find your new twitter followers and compose a new “thank you” tweet.
  • Consider to follow & unfollow: You might be searching for a good way to find inactive twitter users who never have seen your tweets. If you are a twitter user like me who want to unfollow inactive/unnecessary twitter users who don’t follow you back, so with twitter unfollow tool, you can easily unfollow them. Just like that if you found any twitter power user who retweets your updates and follow you, then you should consider following them back. That’s how to build a good twitter community.
  • Monitoring:  you can monitor engagements and mentions based on keywords and your website. This is a great way to find potential influencers who will later become your fans. is a great twitter tool to build an engaged community around your Twitter profile. If your business needs more raving followers, then start using twitter tool. It will definitely help you build a good twitter community. Click here to sign up for for free and click this link to get 50% OFF discount + 14 days free trial (The cheapest Twitter tool deal, you'll ever get)
Let Conversations Start Happening with Your Twitter Account with CommunIT #TwitterTools #TwitterCommunityManagement @commun_it @gmchamal
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CrowdFireApp (Click on Image to enlarge)
Having a good Twitter profile is crucial when you build up your reputation online as a marketer, online-worker or even as a Twitter lover. What would you do if you want to backlist someone from your follower's list? Do you want to check whether X follow Y? How would you do that?
Well, now you don't have to worry about these problems. With CrowdFireApp, you can do lots of things easily. Here are a few of essential features of CrowdfFireApp.
  • Recent Followers: There are lots of occasions we want to know who are our recent followers. It becomes a big thing when your Twitter follower base becomes larger.  By using CrowdFireApp, you can not only find who are they but also make custom settings such as backlisting.
  • Friends Check: Ever you thought that you could spy on others’ Twitter activities like you do in SEO competitor analysis? Yes, you can find who is following whom with CrowdFireApp.
  • Twitter Automation: Twitter automation is a big part of Twitter marketing. With this Twitter app, you can set a Direct Message (DM) to be sent to new followers. It is looking like a small feature. But, it can do wonders if you do rightly.
No, doubt that CrowdFireApp is a one of best Twitter tools online. Visit CrowdFireApp official site over here to test it out for free and click here to download CrowdFireApp Twitter application to your smartphone.
Go Big On Twitter with CrowdFire! #TwitterTools #ReputationManagement @Crowdfire @gmchamal
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Twitter is becoming more user-friendly and so many marketers involve in twitter marketing. In every day, 135,000 new twitter accounts are created. That's almost three new sign ups per each two seconds. One reason I prefer to use Twitter is that they provide flexible tools for both common people and marketers alike. Many companies and web developers have built various Twitter tools by using Twitter API. While some people have built amazing Twitter tools and software which could provides marvelous results in less time.
As a blogger and an internet marketer, I use different Twitter tools. I use all above mentioned Twitter tools. Therefore, I can recommend all those twitter tools for everyone. If you know or have used any other Twitter tool which has unique features like in Content Studio, please let me know in the comments secton below. It will not only help me but also other people too.
So, what’s your favorite Twitter tool for 2018? Share your thoughts and reviews about this best Twitter tools list in comments below.
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