
Check Website Traffic: How to Estimate Traffic Of ANY Site In No Time

I usually prefer to check website traffic, whenever I visit a website. It gives me rough ideas on what strategies webmasters mainly have used for driving traffic and what posts contribute to the majority of total traffic received.
There are tons of website traffic estimator tools. As you may have already found, 90+% all of them provide inaccurate data.
Or you get exaggerated traffic reports from most website traffic monitoring services.
It is funny to see when you know your actual data in Google Analytics and you see 10X traffic statistics in online traffic checking tools.
It is actually humorous.
So, how do you check website traffic online?
In fact, how do you find accurate traffic information of a website?
That’s what I am going to show in this article.
What You Will Learn:
  • How to find how many visitors a website receives per month.
  • How to find traffic distribution of a website. (ex: Search Engines, Social, Referral)
  • How much traffic does a website receive from a certain country?
  • How to reveal important traffic information such as average time on page and bounce rate which are secret data only available for the administrator.
  • How to estimate traffic for email sign up pages and email subscribers.
  • How to use website traffic monitoring tools for your media buying campaigns.
  • Why you should check website traffic as a webmaster and how to full use of data you collected.

How to Check Website Traffic Statistics Online

Note About Traffic Estimation Tools
There are tons of tools for checking website traffic, counting traffic value and finding how much money a site makes with Google Adsense etc.

However, I have tried several traffic estimation tools online. I found only one tool which provides 99% accurate information about a website. While most other tools just overdose. You will find how I get into website traffic statistics easily in no time.

What is SEMrush?

SEMrush is a search engine marketing tool which provides different tools for internet marketers, especially bloggers and SEOs to research competitors.
One of their top tools that I am going to use in this tutorial is “Traffic Analytics”.
Read my SEMRUSH Review to learn Pros and Cons about this SEM tool

How To Check Traffic Of A Website With SEMrush Traffic Analytics Tool

Checking website traffic with SEMrush Traffic Analytics tool is really easy and simple. Follow the steps below to start finding how much traffic volume a website owns.
Step 1: Sign Up for SEMrush GURU.
SEMrush Traffic Analytics isn’t available for the public. Therefore, you would have to subscribe to one of their premium plans.

Luckily for you, I was able to negotiate with SEMrush to have you a free trial period where you can analyze website traffic, check Google keyword rankingstrack SERP ranking positions, find competitors' content marketing strategies and do much more tasks that do not only save time but also thousands of money.

Click the button below and go to SEMrush registration page.
Enter your name, email, address, credit card information and Click on “Place Order” button.
semrush create guru account
You would be able to use all the tools and features included in the SEMrush GURU plan for 14 days for free. One of them is Traffic Analytics tool.
Step 2: After opening your SEMrush free trial GURU account, log into your SEMrush account over here.
Step 3: Click on the “Traffic Analytics” tab in the sidebar.
semrush sidebar
Step 4: Now type the website address (root domain like,, that you want to know the website traffic statistics.
Click on “Search” button.
enter website address traffic analytics semrush
Step 5: Now let’s discuss the “Traffic Analytics report for QuickSprout”.
At the very first, you would see traffic numbers for the past month. For example, if you check website traffic statistics with SEMrush in May, you would see traffic estimates from April.
SEMrush traffic analytics for quicksprout
You can grasp the overall performance over looking at the chart’s behavior.

According to SEMrush Traffic Analytics data, QuickSprout’s total visits and average visit duration has dropped compared with the past month.

However, Pages per a visit and website’s bounce rate has improved.
traffic medium semrush traffic analytics tool
At the bottom of website traffic analytics chart, you can find the actual data in numbers. It provides details about,
  • Top Traffic Sources:  58.42% of total website traffic are coming from search engines. 24.31% of QuickSprout’s overall traffic are direct visits. That’s a very good insight on how much popular the site with people is.
  • Top Referring Sites: 17.74% of total referral traffic (14.35% of total traffic) are from his personal blog,
  • Top Search Engines: From 58.42% of overall traffic, Google contributes most of them.
  • Top Social Networks: Out of 11.9K social traffic, 75.70% are Facebook users.
As you see, this column alone can give a good idea about the website performance in overall.
For example, if a website receives the majority of site traffic from referral sites such as PTC sites, then you would see the website owner uses shady traffic generating methods.
If you want to dive deep into website traffic statistics, scroll down to the bottom of the page.
Traffic by country: SEMrush Traffic Analytics Tool
According to SEMrush Traffic Analytics information, 46.38% of overall page visitors are from the United States.
If you’re a direct media buyer, you would want to especially check out this section as you want more targeted visitors from a site.
SEMrush monitors website traffic in every single day.
Therefore, if you’d want to see very narrow data such as the traffic amount of a website for a previous month and traffic statistics for a certain geography, you can easily find those details
narrow data from semrush traffic analytics
In the front page, you see the overview details about the website. But, if you’re curious enough to know what the bounce rates, average time on page, page view ratio etc for a certain traffic source, social network, and country are, you can navigate through these tabs and check website traffic information quickly.
semrush traffic analytics tabs
Here are the traffic estimation for each search engines.
traffic estimation search engines
These are the traffic statistics of QuickSprout based on countries.
top countries semrush traffic analytics
Here are a few destination sites. 15+% of all outgoing traffic are converting to email subscribers. So, you can guess how much email subscribers a website generates in each month too.
top destinations semrush traffic analytics
In “Subdomains” tab, you can also see the traffic distribution for each domain.
sub domains traffic distribution
Another cool tool of SEMrush’s Traffic Analytics is you can compare a few websites with a domain.

For instance, if you want to see the differences between your sites and competitors, add them to find which websites are strong in certain areas.
compare domains semrush traffic analytics
Website traffic fluctuations of all three websites during past few months.
quicksprout vs copyblogger vs backlinko chart semrush traffic analytics
traffic sources comparison
traffic amount comparison
SEMrush’s Traffic Analytics is a decent website traffic estimation tool. I have found that most information shown in SEMrush reports are near to actual data shown in Google Analytics.

Therefore, if you’re a blogger, SEO, media buyer and a CPA marketer, I would recommend you to check out SEMrush Traffic Analytics yourself to see website traffic information for your competitor websites.

Why You Should Check Website Traffic

Either you put into one of this two groups, you should check traffic of websites, blog sites, and microblogs if your business is depended on online traffic.

Media Buyers, CPA Marketers, and Direct Media Buyers

If you use your money to drive traffic to landing pages and offers, then you must know the quality of traffic sources.
For example, if you’re a CPA marketer and buying POP UP traffic, then you might be aware that your sites receive a significant amount of bot traffic.
So, before spending your hard-earned money on buying traffic, you can find the traffic generation methods and the quality of traffic of websites.
Here are a few advantages you would receive as a media buyer by using a traffic estimator to check website traffic information.
Benefit 1: Estimate website traffic before purchasing ad spaces on a site
You can save a lot of time by tracking website traffic information. For example, if your promotion is limited to United States, Canada, and United Kingdom, why do you waste your time and money on buying ad spaces on sites which receive a majority of traffic from Asia and Africa?
It is worthless, right?
Benefit 2: Check website's traffic quality
Nowadays, even traffic are coming from tier 1 countries, several publishers use “automated bots” to increase page impressions or hits.
However, in general, bots cannot click on links within a page. Therefore bounce rate is almost 100%.
site traffic details huge bounce rate
If you see a site with millions of pageviews with a higher bounce rate, which means either the publisher uses bots or the site’s usability are very poor.
To check the intent of website visitors, you can actually check Google ranking for keywords using SEMrush tool.
A website is ranking for targeted keywords top of SERP means it receives more traffic through those high-ranked keywords and so your banner ad exposes to more relevant people.
Benefit 3: Check the accuracy of information provided about the website’s traffic by publishers
You see in media buying networks that some sites receive millions of page views. And also you see thousands of impressions for certain banner ads placed the bottom of the page.
How much is website traffic reports reliable and accurate?
You must suspect every time if a site’s traffic details relate to this.
Total Pageviews < Impressions for Banner
How does banner impressions could surpass the total pageviews?
If you have an uncertainty about the traffic information provided by a website owner, you can use an online traffic estimation tool to check traffic quality and find more details.
Here is a website publisher on BuySellAds media buying network.
Here are the website traffic estimates on SEMrush Traffic Analytics.
publisher's actual traffic estimates
As you see the details are shown in BuySellAds are accurate and relate to each other.
You can analyze website traffic of the sites you are going to buy ad spaces and remove any doubt have in your mind.

Webmasters, Bloggers and Website Owners

As a website owner, I know how useful it is to check site traffic statistics of my own and competitors sites.
If I found an interesting site with quality content, I don’t think twice to find out how much traffic website has.
Here’s why you, as a blogger should monitor website traffic of sites you found online.
Benefit 1: Find popularity, the quality of content and targeting countries
SEMrush ranks websites according to the traffic they receive. The lower the number indicates it gets more traffic from search engines, social networks as on.
When first visit a website, we could not tell especially anything about the website’s popularity.
However, after you started tracking website traffic, you can clearly see how much authoritative the particular website is.
Benefit 2: Find out traffic building techniques
If you see a competitor website’s significant amount of traffic are from other sites, you can guess that they might use guest blogging and/or bloggers have linked to the competitor site.
For example, if you see Flipboard,, Medium, and SlideShare contribute to a significant traffic volume, you too can curate content and repurpose old content to build backlinks and drive more referral traffic to your site.
Benefit 3: Learn lessons from competitor websites
In most times, when I check website traffic of my competitors, I learn a few lessons from them.
I don’t forget to ask these questions myself.
  • How strong is their internal linking strategy?
  • How do they manage their social media marketing? Do they hire virtual assistants to speed up social media marketing or use online tools and software?
  • What are the site structures and funnels of their sites? Do they use a static home page or not? Or have a cluttered web design?
  • How powerful their marketing messages? What topics do they cover in their blogs? What are their top SEO keywords?
  • At what points competitor sites stand out over my site?
Answers to these questions give me a clear idea on how I could use competitor websites to my advantage.
These all can be done because I have a habit of checking website traffic whenever I found a professional looking website.​

Checking website traffic is not complicated on these days. As there are tons of online traffic estimator tools, it has become a little bit difficult to find one which could provide accurate statistics.
SEMrush has been one of my favorite SEO tools for a long time. Whenever I found a website that is worth looking its traffic statistics, I go nowhere, use SEMrush Traffic Analytics tool to monitor website traffic.
It does not only provide accurate traffic statistics but also makes it so easier for you to know traffic numbers from a certain country, which is certainly invaluable if you especially run a website for local clients.
SEMrush has a position tracking tool. So, I could track keyword rankings of competitor websites as well.
All in all, monitoring traffic statistics has given me tremendous results.
Of course, there are tons of website traffic ranking sites such as Alexa, Complete, Similar Web, Quantcast, Spyfu, and Ahrefs as well. However, you may finally find out that any of those tools don’t provide accurate information like SEMrush does.
So, what is your best traffic estimator tool? And how do you check website traffic online? Share your thoughts in the comment form below.
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